Pooper Scooper Service - Dog Waste Removal Service, Dogipot Pet Waste Stations - Pooper Scooper Service Directory - Canine Waste Management Specialists - Yuckos Pooper Scooper Service - Dog Waste Removal Service, Dogipot Pet Waste Stations - Pooper Scooper Service Directory - Canine Waste Management Specialists - Yuckos DogiPot Products And Poop Litter Bags Pooper Scooper Service - Dog Waste Removal Service, Dogipot Pet Waste Stations - Pooper Scooper Service Directory - Canine Waste Management Specialists - Yuckos Aluminum Line Of Dogipot Dispenser DogiPot Products And Poop Litter Bags Pooper Scooper Service - Dog Waste Removal Service, Dogipot Pet Waste Stations - Pooper Scooper Service Directory - Canine Waste Management Specialists - Yuckos


Bags On Board Custom Labels

Promote your Business / Develop Store Identity / Repeat Business




Keeps Your Company Information At Hand...!







We will help you design a 4" x 2" color label that we will apply to

(includes 15 bags inside each canister) 

To get started e-mail a JPEG/EPS file of the logo to:

 Include Any lines of text you wish to appear around the logo 4" x 2" Label

Specify where you would like the logo, text, etc. 
Sketch out your desired label appearance
If you are faxing, Send the order To 314-298-7667


All Sales Final - These Are Custom

Pet Shops - Veterinarians - Groomers, Kennels & Doggie Day Care
Pet Sitters - Pooper-Scooper Services - Apartment Management - Campgrounds -Home Owner & Condo Associations 

 City Storm Water Run Off Depts. - Realtors